Monday, July 02, 2007

Birding stuff

A Spotted Redshank at Scaling today whilst I was at work ...:-(

Highlights of two visits over the weekend were the Oystercatcher chick, just one but I'd thought they'd failed. There are also still two small Lapwing chicks. The Oystercatcher adult was very aggressive towards the Black-headed Gulls in particular and any of this species near the chick were chased away, Lapwings were ignored. It was easy to locate the chick, just look for the gull free zone.

Quite a number of large gulls on Sunday afternoon, at least 120 but just HG and GtBl-bG. The Teal appears to have raised one duckling to flight. There were at least 5 Tufted Duck broods.

At home the Curlew appear to have departed, their haunting calls no longer echoing through the dale. The Lapwings at the organic farm appear to have been successful. Young Siskin are now visiting the feeders. This evening 9 Mistle Thrush flew through the field next to the house and in the lower field there was a juvvy Green Woodpecker.

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