Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Spartan Scaling Dam

The soft cushions, which no one ever used but they added a homely touch, have been removed from the Scaling Dam hide. So take your own comfy seating in future because there are no luxuries there.

Unseasonally Pink-footed Goose x2, Goldeneye, Goosander and this evening Fieldfare have all been recorded today. One of the Pink-feet looks a bit odd. A Cuckoo was a more expected bird of note.

Randy, the Carolina Wood Duck, was tempted to the Cleveland end this evening. Beguiled by a rather fetching female Mallard he arrived in all his finery outside the hide as she ascended the bank. He followed and they were both soon lost to view.

1 comment:

Nick Carter said...

Bloody Yanks, always been the same.